DBA 4000 Series Rear Rotor Drilled And Slotted Subaru 2006-2007 WRX | 4653XS

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SKU dba4653XS

The DBA 4000 Series rotor is a mid-level brake rotor that has more than enough performance for any street driven car and will work very well on a weekend track toy or autocrosser. DBA 4000 Series rotors feature Thermal Stability Profiling (TSP) for improved heat handling. TSP enhances the micro-structure of the rotor material providing greater thermal stability. Increasing the thermal stability allows your DBA rotors to take more heat, making them more stable under heavy, frequent braking. DBA rotors with TSP will experience improved brake pad and rotor life. Thermo-Graphic paint markings on the edge of DBA's 4000 Series rotor change color at specific temperature thresholds allowing you to check your braking performance quickly and easily. Green changes to white at 856°F, orange will change to yellow at 1022°F and the red will change to white after 1166°F. Ideal braking temperatures are between 850°F and 1000°F (so the green will become white and the orange and red are unchanged).

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